Aaron G. Graham

Aaron Graham's Image Software Developer
Ford of Canada (https://www.ford.ca)

Ford Motor Company Of Canada Limited,
1 The Canadian Road, (Remote)
Canada L6J 5E4

Formerly: Software Developer Byos Inc. (byos.io)
aaron [dot] graham [at] byos [dot] io
Formerly #2: Research Assistant / Software Developer / Systems Administrator
IBM / UNB Centre for Advanced Studies - Atlantic (CAS-Atlantic)

Find more about me at:

Google Scholar

Research Interests

• Electric Vehicles
• Yocto
• Edge Microsegmentation
• Zero Trust Networking
• Operating Systems
• Embedded Systems
• IoT Devices
• Virtual Machines
• Managed Runtimes
• Garbage Collection
• Memory Management
• Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilers

Interests & Hobbies

• Reading/Audio Books
• Gardening
• Walking/Hiking
• Some Home Improvement Projects
• Tech Projects--Home Networking, Network Attached Storage (NAS), Docker Services and Virtualized and Bare-Metal Servers
• Gaming


Senior Software Engineer - Yocto Build and Release, Ford of Canada, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, working remotely from New Brunswick, Canada, June 2024-resent
Software Developer, Byos Inc. (byos.io), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, working remotely from New Brunswick, Canada, June 2022-June 2024
Research Assistant / Software Developer / Systems Administrator, IBM / UNB Centre for Advanced Studies - Atlantic (CAS-Atlantic, CASA), Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, June 2013 - June 2022
    • CAS-Atlantic Contract: Hardware and Software Systems Testing and Evaluation, 45 Drives Ltd. a subsidiary of Protocase Incorporated, Sydney, NS, Canada, 2014-2015, 2016-2017
    • CAS-Atlantic Contract: Embedded/IoT/Cloud Systems, Design, Research & Development, Butterfly Energy Systems, Shediac, NB, Canada, 2016-2017
    • CAS-Atlantic Contract: System Monitoring Daemon, Design, Research and Development, 45 Drives Ltd. a subsidiary of Protocase Incorporated, Sydney, NS, Canada, 2015-2016


• MCS, Master of Computer Science---Research Masters with Thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2017-2021
Thesis Title: Just-In-Time Compiler Performance Evaluation on the AArch64 Platform
Supervisor: Dr. Kenneth B. Kent

• BCS, Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-Operative Education Program), University of New Brunswick, 2008-2013
This degree focused on the fundamentals of Computer Science including; Software Engineering and Design, Algorithmic problem solving skills and to develop new and innovative Software products.


• Won the ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) Best Paper of the Year Award for 2021 (MSC Student), TRETS 2021
TRETS Announcement
ACM Digital Library Announcement on Twitter

• Won the 2020 IBM CAS Project of the Year Award (Lead Research Assistant), CASCON x EVOKE 2020
UNB Research Announcement on the UNB Blog
UNB Research Announcement on Twitter

Award Images

ACM TRETS Best Paper of the Year Award 2021 Plaque:
ACM TRETS Best Paper of the Year Award 2021 Recipients

IBM CAS Project of the Year Award 2020 Plaque & Recipients:
CAS Project of the Year Award 2020 PlaqueCAS Project of the Year Award 2020 UNB RecipientsCAS Project of the Year Award 2020 Recipient IBM's Daryl Maier


A selection of my publications:


A. G. Graham, "Just-In-Time Compiler Performance Evaluation on the AArch64 Platform", MCS Thesis, University of New Brunswick, September 2021.
Thesis Abstract: The embedded computing market, which includes Internet-of-Things (IoT) and mobile computing devices, is a non-traditional computing market where computation resources—including CPU, memory, power—are more limited. Due to these limitations, software is required to be more compact and efficient. Providing a managed runtime, such as Eclipse OpenJ9 built on top of Eclipse OMR, in this climate differs from a cloud/desktop-based environment. This thesis focuses on porting the OpenJ9+OMR technology, which has a heritage of running in resource constrained systems, to a new environment while continuing to provide a generic run-time environment. The low-power AArch64 (ARMv8-A) platform—compatible with commonly used electronic devices—is becoming the answer for resource constrained environments of embedded systems. This thesis explores the performance of the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler in OpenJ9, a Java®1 Virtual Machine (JVM), on an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) appropriate for IoT and embedded devices. More specifically, we evaluate and validate the AArch64 implementation of OpenJ9’s JIT against more mature architectures currently available. The evaluation reveals performance discrepancies and necessary improvements, beyond those that are already known, by comparing the AArch64 implementation to another ISA, x86-64. Our work is an effort to template new architectural support and allow others to follow our model. We provide a baseline for future research on OpenJ9, OMR and the JIT on the AArch64 platform and outline some improvements as future work.
Supervisor: Dr. Kenneth B. Kent

Journal Publication (Refereed By Full Paper)

• K. E. Murray, O. Petelin, S. Zhong, J. M. Wang, M. Eldafrawy, J.-P. Legault, E. Sha, A. G. Graham, J. Wu, M. J. P. Walker, H. Zeng, P. Patros, J. Luu, K. B. Kent, V. Betz, "VTR 8: High Performance CAD and Customizable FPGA Architecture Modelling" (PDF @ eecg.utoronto.ca/~kmurray/vtr), ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 2020.

Conference Publications (Refereed By Full Paper)

A. G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, H. Soontiens, J. Brown, S. MacKay, G. W. Dueck, K. B. Kent, K. Konno, and D. Maier, "Evaluating the Performance of the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM JIT on AArch64", 2022 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2022), September 18 - September 20, 2022 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (Program)
M. Patrou, J.-P. Legault, A. G. Graham, K. B. Kent, "Improving digital circuit simulation with batch-parallel logic evaluation", 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design 2019 (DSD 2019), August 28 - August 30, 2019 in Chalkidiki, Greece. (Program)

Conference Workshop Talks (Refereed By Abstract)

J.-P. Legault, A. G. Graham, K. B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno, "Evaluating the OpenJ9 JIT on AArch64", 4th Workshop on Advances in Open Runtimes and Cloud Performance Technologies (AORCPT 2020) at the 30th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 2020 (CASCON 2020) in Markham, Canada, November 13, 2020. (Program)
J.-P. Legault, A. G. Graham, H. Soontiens, M. Flawn, Md.M. Rahman, K. B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno, "Development and Evaluation of the Eclipse OMR Library on AArch64 using the Eclipse OpenJ9 Runtime", 3rd Workshop on Advances in Open Runtime Technology for Cloud Computing (AORTCC 2019) at the 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 2019 (CASCON 2019) in Markham, Canada, November 5, 2019. (Program)
J.-P. Legault, A. G. Graham, K. B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno, "Building AArch64 Support for the Eclipse OMR Language Runtime Toolkit", TURBO'18: Building Language Runtimes with Eclipse OMR Workshop at the Proceedings of the Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2018), November 4 - November 9 2018, Boston, United States. (Program)
A. G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, K. B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno, "AArch64 Support for the Eclipse OMR Language Runtime Toolkit", 2nd Annual Workshop on Advances in Open Runtime Technology for Cloud Environments at the Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 2018 (CASCON 2018), October 29 - October 31 2018, Markham, Canada. (Program)
J.-P. Legault, K. B. Kent, P. Patros and A. G. Graham, "An Alternative Fracturable Multiply & Shift Hard-Block for FPGA", 12th Annual Conference for Science Atlantic Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, October 13 - October 14, 2017 at The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Science Atlantic, the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS) and University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. (Program)

Conference Posters (Refereed By Abstract)

• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, K.B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno. "Evaluating the Performance of the Eclipse OpenJ9 JIT Compiler on the AArch64 Platform." 30th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2020), Markham, Canada, November 10-13, 2020.
• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, H. Soontiens, M. Flawn, Md.M. Rahman, K.B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno. "Building AArch64 Support for Eclipse OpenJ9 and Eclipse OMR." 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2019), Markham, Canada, November 4-6, 2019.
• Jean-Philippe Legault, Aaron G. Graham, Kenneth B. Kent, D. Maier, " XDocker: A Cross-Platform Tool for Continuous Development." 29th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2019), Markham, Canada, November 4-6, 2019.
• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, K.B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno. "AArch64 Support for the OMR Language Runtime Toolkit." 28th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2018), Markham, Canada, October 29-31, 2018.
• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, M. Patrou, K.B. Kent, "Improved Synthesis and Simulation for FPGAs: ODIN II for VTR 8.0 and Beyond", Poster, 16th Annual Research Exposition of the UNB Faculty of Computer Science, Fredericton, Canada April 12, 2019.
• Md.M. Rahman, H.J. Soontiens, J.P. Legault, A.G. Graham K.B. Kent, D. Maier, K. Konno, " AArch64 Support for the OMR Language Runtime Toolkit", Poster, 16th Annual Research Exposition of the UNB Faculty of Computer Science, Fredericton, Canada April 12, 2019.
• Jean-Philippe Legault, Aaron G. Graham, Kenneth B. Kent, D. Maier, " Containerized Cross Platform Development for the New Age Polyglot", Poster, 16th Annual Research Exposition of the UNB Faculty of Computer Science, Fredericton, Canada April 12, 2019.
• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, K.B. Kent, D. Maier, J. Kingdon, “Language Runtimes on Embedded Architectures,” Poster, IBM CASTLE 2018, Markham, Canada May 8-9, 2018.
• A.G. Graham, J.-P. Legault, K.B. Kent, D. Maier, J. Kingdon, “Language Runtimes on Embedded Architectures,” Poster, 15th Annual Research Exposition of the UNB Faculty of Computer Science, Fredericton, Canada April 11, 2018.

Research Interests

• Electric Vehicles
• Yocto
• Edge Microsegmentation
• Zero Trust Networking
• Operating Systems
• Embedded Systems
• IoT Devices
• Virtual Machines
• Managed Runtimes
• Garbage Collection
• Memory Management
• Just-in-Time (JIT) Compilers

Interests & Hobbies

• Reading/Audio Books
• Gardening
• Walking/Hiking
• Some Home Improvement Projects
• Tech Projects--Home Networking, Network Attached Storage (NAS), Docker Services and Virtualized and Bare-Metal Servers
• Gaming